Every year I make New Year's resolutions. I resolve to eat healthier and to exercise more. I want a better body and better habits.
This year I am resolving to commit to myself. I want to be true to my inner self and do everything I can to live a life I'm proud of. I've spent the last few months trying to get others to like me. And I just realized, I need to stop wanting. I need to take desire out of my life. I'd like to try to be at peace with who I am in the present moment and know that everything I need will find me.
Part of practicing yoga is being present and tuned in to the present moment. I think that if I'm living my best life, and being true to myself, doing things I want to do – the other necessities will fall into place (a relationship, a job, happiness.) I'm going to try to wake up each day and do something adventurous and fulfilling for myself. I find myself with more free time in these winter months and instead of ruminating over the things I don't have, I'm going to commit myself to being the person I want to be.
I want to be a scholar, a yogi, and a positive presence in the lives of my friends and family.
Perhaps I can let go of resolutions and just be me for a little while. I like myself.