Yoga = Art

Artist Feature: Rose Jaffe

Meet Rose Jaffe, local artist and yogi. Rose who created the version of the Yoga District logo above and her artwork is featured at Yoga District Bloomingdale and 14th Street store fronts. Learn more about Rose and yoga’s intersection with art in the full interview.

“Yoga and meditation are an essential part of my create practice… The more spiritual I have become over the past few years the more art I create that is focused around being centered in self, grounding into Mother Earth, third eye consciousness…”


What are you currently working on? How is this different from past projects? How has living in DC with COVID precautions affected your work?

I am a full time working artist. My medium is mostly paint, but I also do printmaking, digital illustrations and ceramics. My work flow has honestly not changed so much, just more studio time which has been really great. I can tend to work too much (like many of us) so this has been a time to chill a bit and focus on my personal art practice.

I’m curious about the mind-body connection and your work. When you’re in the creative process how do you relate to your body and breath? If you do yoga or other holistic movement practice, how does it affect your creative process? 

Yoga and meditation are an essential part of my creative practice. I regularly meditate to center myself and manage my floating anxiety. I am newer to meditation, I have been practicing yoga for 13 years. I got my teacher certification four years ago and have continued to hone my skills in ashtanga. I love so many aspects of yoga and have no doubt it has seeped into my art.

The more spiritual I have become over the past few years the more art I create that is focused around being centered in self, grounding into Mother Earth, third eye consciousness etc. I am inspired every day but almost everything around me – the colors, people, smells, sounds, tastes. All of this influences the work I make – if not directly then indirectly.


Do you have any advice for DC yoga practitioners on how to increase their artistic creativity and/or engage with the arts in DC? Do you have any advice for DC artists on the value of connecting with their body and breath?

I believe if you make art you are an artist, and I also believe everyone has the ability to make art. Art and expression can look like so many things, and I think its important part of being human to allow ourselves to be free in expression. My advice is to just release and make and see what happens.

You can support creating artists most directly by buying art from there, attending music or dance shows and promoting such activities to friends. You can also support them by advocating for space in DC – physical and otherwise (like this interview for example) so artists can retain a footprint in the cultural landscape of the city.


If I were able to follow you around to see art in DC, which places would we go? What would we see? 

I love the Portrait Gallery and the Hirshhorn on the mall, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts. You can actually see my dream day in DC featured in Washington Post here!

Who are some of the DC artists you enjoy?

On Instagram >>>

Jordan Hamlett Sanders @jordanhamlettsanders

Mariah Miranda @miriahmiranda

Stephen Whiteside @estebanwhiteside

Creative DC @acreativedc is a great way to find local artists in the city


Do you have anything to share about your artwork featured here (which also appeared in our newsletter)?

You can support me by buying art from my online shop through my website



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