Minute Meditations for a Cause

We’re sharing videos of one-minute meditations dedicated to various causes we believe in. You can practice with us in any of the posted one-minute meditation videos and please do contribute your own video of yourself meditating for a cause–we will happily...

The Yoga of Letting Go

Check out this blog post by Yoga District teacher Mike Hazzard on how yoga is teaching him to let go. If yoga is “99% practice and 1% theory,” my yoga 1% is on the mat and my 99% interacting with others at home, work, in traffic, etc. Progress “on the mat” for me...

Trick or Treat or Yoga!

Halloween flair isn’t just for parties; it’s also for yoga! On Friday night our 14th St., H St., and Bloomy studios hosted costume-friendly all levels extended classes. Students showed up wearing all kinds of fun costumes and those with the most lovely Halloween flair...

Bye Buddha Belly

Check out this blog post by Yoga District student Dan Carter on his journey turning away from bars, returning to yoga. The alarm screeches at 5 a.m. I can’t move. My head, my body, everything is sore. It’s only Tuesday and I know I have countless days and nights of...

Another Reason to Meditate

Yoga District offers by-donation meditation classes weekly because meditation has so many benefits including improved concentration, emotional regulation, stress reduction… and now research indicates we can add youthfulness to the list. Nobel laureate and UCSF...

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