Tadasana: Mountain Pose

Like a mountain, it’s important to have a firm base, and prominent peak.  Let’s start of with the base and explore weight placement in our feet.  Take notice of the three weight-bearing parts of your feet; your heel, the ball of the foot at your big toe,...

The Coincidence of the Caduceus

Two serpents intertwining around a staff topped with wings. This imagery comprises the caduceus, an attribute of Hermes, messenger of the Greek gods. Take away the wings and one snake, and you’ve got the Rod of Asclepius, the symbol for the Greek god of...

What is a Wat

Chiang Mai is known as the “New City”, but it’s built around a square mile of ground called the Old City Center.  There are over 300 wats scattered about the area of Chiang Mai, the second largest city in Thailand, and over 50 of them lie within the...

Finding Balance Anywhere

Flipped Dog in SFO’s Yoga Room For those of you who have been known to wake up in cold sweats because your life feels dangerously akin to George Clooney’s in “Up in the Air,” this post is for you. One of my favorite things about my current job is how much I get...

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