Yoga teachers training program for me

     The yoga teachers training program has matured me instantly.  Studying the Sutras, Meditating and Practicing Asanas all at the same time, which I had never done before, has made me feel a sudden upliftment. I feel more comfortable with my mind, body and soul. It...

Tending to the Seeds of Our Emotions

Throughout our day to day lives, we experience an array of emotions.  Some are positive, like hope, happiness, and affection, while others, such as anger, loneliness, and despair, are negative.  All of them are quite normal and inevitable, and often times we forget...

Thank you Maharaji

I came home last night a bit drained from a long day, but luckily my beautiful wife was already home and she’s a bigger KD fan than I am… the house was full of rich sound of Krishna Das’s voice. … Continue reading...

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