Road Tripping

Yesterday I packed up my car, and hit the open road for what Google maps told me would be a 7 hour drive from Washington, DC to South Carolina. Ten hours later (thank you traffic!), I pulled up outside my parents’ house, exhausted, but thrilled to see them....

Let’s Get Geometric

Have you ever taken a try at Triangle, or Trikonasana?  It’s a pose that can expose you to the power of applying angles, corners, and shapes to stretching.  Trikonasana taps into three targeted areas, the shoulders, torso, and hips, and turns the extremities...

The Land of Repose

It’s the last few minutes of class and the quick-moving asanas have come to a close.  There’s only one move left, savasana, and it carries the connotation of being the easiest.  People anticipate savasana in different ways; some embrace it as a moment of...

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