Getting Back to the Mat at H St.

I would like to say that having been one of the first people to go to the Dupont Circle studio that my experience at the H Street retreat was quite refreshing. Yeah being out of shape and not a consistent practitioner the flight of stairs at H Street is much more...

Yoga Festivals

Yoga festivals are awesome events for those seeking to add some variety to their yoga practice. They take place all around the world and are a great opportunity to practice yoga in sync with a large group of like-minded yoga practitioners. Festivals give yogis the...

Spring Forward Into a Fold

With spring right around the corner and it almost being one-fourth of the way through the leap year, we should only move forward to whatever is next.  Perhaps we could leap and spring straight into Uttanasana, a forward fold position.  Transition into it however...

March Comes in Like a Lion

Do you have a handle on your mandible and your maxillary, your masticator?  These parts put together are commonly known as the jawbone.  Your mandible gives the jaw it’s form and the maxillary holds your teeth in place.  Together, they masticate, chew, crush,...

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