Yogic Consciousness

The nature of the unconscious mind creates an easy and frustrating predicament that comes along when one is beginning to learn of the process of meditation and yoga.  Close your eyes, let your mind relax…and without your consent, it drifts off into some region of your...

Winter is Setting In

It's December. It's cold and rainy. I feel like getting under a blanket and hibernating in my warm house. But I know it's also the perfect time to walk myself to the Bloomingdale studio and get back into a regular yoga practice. The winter brings out...

Taking flight with Yoga

I am getting ready to embark on a month-long adventure across Southeast Asia.  Leaving in just a few hours, I’m very excited but also incredibly anxious.  Until now, I didn’t believe that I had any phobias, but the mere thought of the plane taking off the runway makes...

Salute to Autumn

The autumn season is now officially upon us.  The cozy comforts  of fall – the colorful leaves, pumpkins, apple cider, and cool breezes offer a refreshing change of pace from the heat and humidity of summer.   I am welcoming the change in season, but it is difficult...

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