Practice makes practice

I am a neurotic type A personality, a Pitta-Vata dosha. What’s your dosha? I like to set a goal and accomplish it within the timeframe I’ve established for myself. I try to apply that discipline to every aspect of my personal and professional life. And when I...

In current events…

The 2011 International Yoga Asana Championships were this past month in Los Angeles. Seventy competitors came from 19 countries to vie for the title of World Yoga Champion. The competitors are the winners of regional competitions in places like Western Canada, Mexico...

Posing by Numbers

I am a new addition to the Yoga District family, after recently realizing my week long streaks of cocktail lusting and late night McDonalds runs had finally taken a toll on my once toned physique.  I had taken some yoga classes in the past: Bikram, Hatha, and various...

A Smoking Meditation by Osho

A man came to me. He had been suffering from chain-smoking for thirty years; he was ill and the doctors said, “You will never be healthy if you don’t stop smoking. ” But he was a chronic smoker; he could not help it. He had tried — not that he...

The Yoga Body Type

So, there is definitely a yoga body type. It's displayed in yoga magazines and in ads for yoga clothing and gear (which is now sold just about everywhere, including the grocery store!) You know the type, a long lithe body, flat stomach, long legs, shiny hair in a...

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