by YD Blog Team | May 8, 2020 | 30 Minute Meals, Gluten Free, Recipes, Soup, The Blog, Vegan
In these trying times, it’s recommended we don’t go to the grocery store often. Instead, let’s be mindful and use the items we have on hand at home. Give our grocery store workers a little break from the crowds. It’s more sustainable, budget friendly, efficient... by YD Blog Team | Apr 22, 2020 | Community, Self-Care, The Blog, Yoga Classes, Yoga District Community
With everything going on now, this might be when you need yoga the most! Yoga District is offering several daily online yoga classes through Zoom. Connect with your community through a virtual practice and enjoy yoga together! We understand that sometimes you decide... by YD Blog Team | Mar 2, 2020 | Community, Holistic Wellness, Openness, Safe Space, The Blog, Yoga Classes, Yoga District Community
You enter a studio, take off your shoes, and step onto your mat. With a deep inhale and relaxing exhale, you begin your yoga class. Have you ever wondered why it’s customary to practice yoga barefoot? Or the reason you remove your shoes when entering a yoga studio? ... by YD Blog Team | Jan 22, 2020 | Gluten Free, Recipes, Soup, The Blog, Vegan
Combat the chilly winter weather with a bowl of warm homemade soup! The best part about this Hearty Vegetable Soup is both healthy and filling. It is a family and friend favorite! It can be made vegetarian and gluten-free without jeopardizing the flavor or bite...
by YD Blog Team | Nov 25, 2019 | Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Self-Care, The Blog
You close your eyes and breathe in the smell of stuffing, mashed potatoes, and freshly baked cookies . For people celebrating during the holiday season it can be a time of mixed emotions. With this in mind, Yoga District has compiled some mindfulness tips for...