voices of the community

Yoga Teacher Training: Learning To Teach

Yoga Teacher Training: Learning To Teach

I used to think of teaching yoga mainly in terms of sequencing together poses. But during my teacher training, I’ve come to appreciate that there’s other parts that are equally as important. A large part of my shift in perspective is driven by being able to practice...

Teacher Feature: Meet Andrea B!

Meet Andrea B., one of our senior teachers at Yoga District! Learn about her journey with yoga and meditation. Throughout her practice she always allows herself to begin anew.   Learning How to Begin Again When I’ve strayed from my deepest aspirations, there are...

Climate Policy Outreach: Environmentalism as a Yoga Practice

Climate Policy Outreach: Environmentalism as a Yoga Practice

We explored the idea of yogic ethics and environmentalism as well as  the link between yoga ethics and activism. Additionally, we looked into how the ethical foundation of yoga guides us towards active love for ourselves and our communities. Right now, it’s clear that...

Community Spotlight: Meet Taite!

Yoga District is a community of incredible people! Our wonderful students, teachers and staff make us more than just a yoga studio. Join us each month as we spotlight a member of our community.  This month we highlight Taite, an intern at our studios and an integral...

Yoga Teacher Training: A New Chapter

Yoga Teacher Training: A New Chapter

Ever thought about becoming a yoga teacher?  Or at the very least, wondered what happens during teacher training? Is it non-stop yoga classes, will there be a sense of community, will I just learn a bunch of yoga poses or is there much more to it? Join Aaron, a Yoga...

Be Green- Energy Saving Guidance

Be Green- Energy Saving Guidance

Powering our homes with clean energy is one of the most important things we can do to address climate change.  You want to do your part to not waste energy but there are limited options for renters to switch to renewable energy. Yet seemingly infinite ways to improve...

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