by YD Blog Team | Jun 7, 2020 | Desserts, Gluten Free, Holistic Wellness, Recipes, Self-Care, Snacks, The Blog, Vegan
During a crisis, sometimes benign and routine actions keep us grounded and nourished so we are available to fight for justice. In these moments I go back to food staples that use items already in my pantry. Something that will provide shelf-stable and easy... by Blog Team of Yoga District | May 29, 2020 | Holistic Wellness, Meditation, Mindfulness, Openness, Relaxation, Self-Care, The Blog
Learn about meditation’s benefits and easy ways to start a practice during quarantine! Meditation is a healthy and beneficial habit accessible to almost anyone. It is prevalent across yoga studios, many workplaces, and all kinds of lifestyles. There are...
by YD Blog Team | May 23, 2020 | Community, Environmentalism, Green Living, Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, The Blog, Yoga Ethics
Hailey, a member of our Yoga District Community, will explore how to live a more sustainable life. Her environmental blog series will introduce various ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Find out how to reduce your carbon footprint while being homebound. During... by YD Blog Team | Mar 2, 2020 | Community, Holistic Wellness, Openness, Safe Space, The Blog, Yoga Classes, Yoga District Community
You enter a studio, take off your shoes, and step onto your mat. With a deep inhale and relaxing exhale, you begin your yoga class. Have you ever wondered why it’s customary to practice yoga barefoot? Or the reason you remove your shoes when entering a yoga studio? ...
by YD Blog Team | Nov 25, 2019 | Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Self-Care, The Blog
You close your eyes and breathe in the smell of stuffing, mashed potatoes, and freshly baked cookies . For people celebrating during the holiday season it can be a time of mixed emotions. With this in mind, Yoga District has compiled some mindfulness tips for...
by YD Blog Team | Oct 15, 2019 | Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Openness, Self-Care, The Blog
On your mat, you close your eyes taking a deep breath in and out. If you are familiar with yoga, you have probably heard an instructor guide you to focus on your breathing (1). Breathing seems to be an intricate part of practicing yoga but breathwork can also be...