by YD Blog Team | Jun 7, 2020 | Desserts, Gluten Free, Holistic Wellness, Recipes, Self-Care, Snacks, The Blog, Vegan
During a crisis, sometimes benign and routine actions keep us grounded and nourished so we are available to fight for justice. In these moments I go back to food staples that use items already in my pantry. Something that will provide shelf-stable and easy... by Blog Team of Yoga District | May 29, 2020 | Holistic Wellness, Meditation, Mindfulness, Openness, Relaxation, Self-Care, The Blog
Learn about meditation’s benefits and easy ways to start a practice during quarantine! Meditation is a healthy and beneficial habit accessible to almost anyone. It is prevalent across yoga studios, many workplaces, and all kinds of lifestyles. There are... by Blog Team of Yoga District | May 26, 2020 | The Blog
Yoga = Art Artist Feature: Ellie Yanagisawa Although meditation isn’t always easy, explains local cosmic artist and yogi Ellie Yanagisawa, it has become essential to her creative process. Read on to learn about what inspires Ellie and her reflections on being an...
by YD Blog Team | May 23, 2020 | Community, Environmentalism, Green Living, Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, The Blog, Yoga Ethics
Hailey, a member of our Yoga District Community, will explore how to live a more sustainable life. Her environmental blog series will introduce various ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Find out how to reduce your carbon footprint while being homebound. During... by Blog Team of Yoga District | May 21, 2020 | The Blog
Yoga = Art Artist Feature: Nicole Wandera To local artist, mom, activist and yogi Nicole Wandera, the breath and body are an integral part of the creative process. Nicole’s work is a representation of her experiences, community and social justice issues that are... by Blog Team of Yoga District | May 18, 2020 | The Blog
Yoga = Art Artist Feature: Rebeka Ryvola Meet Rebeka Ryvola, local artist and yogi. Rebeka designed the Yoga District logo in the story and her murals can be found throughout Southeast D.C. Support Rebeka and other featured artists by checking out the full interview...