Bye Buddha Belly

Check out this blog post by Yoga District student Dan Carter on his journey turning away from bars, returning to yoga. The alarm screeches at 5 a.m. I can’t move. My head, my body, everything is sore. It’s only Tuesday and I know I have countless days and nights of...

Another Reason to Meditate

Yoga District offers by-donation meditation classes weekly because meditation has so many benefits including improved concentration, emotional regulation, stress reduction… and now research indicates we can add youthfulness to the list. Nobel laureate and UCSF...

Green Studio Practices

For years, Yoga District has been keeping the studios eco-friendly out of concern for student and staff health as well as environmental love and respect. Check out some of the ways we’ve been keeping it green. Wind Power and Energy Conservation By partnering with...

Keeping the Yoga Community Healthy

Keeping the Yoga Community Healthy The yoga studios are a cozy refuge from this season’s the tornado warnings, rain and cold… but they are only a refuge from seasonal colds and the flu if we work together as a community to keep the spaces healthy. Yoga District...

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