Spring Forward Into a Fold

With spring right around the corner and it almost being one-fourth of the way through the leap year, we should only move forward to whatever is next.  Perhaps we could leap and spring straight into Uttanasana, a forward fold position.  Transition into it however...

March Comes in Like a Lion

Do you have a handle on your mandible and your maxillary, your masticator?  These parts put together are commonly known as the jawbone.  Your mandible gives the jaw it’s form and the maxillary holds your teeth in place.  Together, they masticate, chew, crush,...

Nasal Breathing

The nose is meant for breathing, and the mouth is the backup plan in case something goes wrong with the nasal passages. As infants, humans are predisposed to breathe through their nose, so much as they are referenced as obligated nasal breathers. Infants can breathe...

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