Join YD intern and teacher, Jenn and Kate A. on June 13th at Yoga District Bloomingdale for an all levels practice to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), an organization committed to empowering all people living with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives.

Read on to lean more about Jenn’s work and passion for CFF…

Hey All! My name is Jenn W. and I am currently an intern at the H Street studio. In addition to volunteering for YD, I was also recently nominated to be a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Metro DC Finest for 2015. In accepting this distinction, I have committed to raising $2500 over the next two months to help the Foundation realize its mission of controlling and curing cystic fibrosis (CF).

To give you a little bit of background, the mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis (CF) and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment, and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care.

CF is a life-threatening genetic disease that affects 30,000 children and adults in the United States. It is a devastating disease that affects primarily the lungs and digestive system. In the 1950s, few children with CF lived to attend elementary school. Since then, tremendous progress in understanding and treating CF has led to dramatic improvements in the length and quality of life for those with CF. Many people with the disease can now expect to live into their 30s, 40s and beyond. This is remarkable progress, but shouldn’t stop there!

I feel incredibly privileged to be working with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation not only helping to build awareness about this disease but also working toward the Foundation’s mission to find a cure. With that said, when I started my campaign, I knew I wanted to combine my fundraising with my passion for yoga. As you can imagine, I was thrilled when Yoga District happily agreed to coordinate a charity class to benefit CF and that one of my favorite teachers, Kate A., was even willing to come back to teach! I have been part of the YD community as an intern & student for over two years now and cannot even begin to express how supportive the YD community is!

I hope that many of you in the YD community will join us June 13th 4-5:30PM @ Bloomingdale for All Levels Flow to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis. All proceeds from this class will be donated to CF so please share this event with friends/coworkers/family/etc! Thank you all for the support!

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