Potatoes3Last week, Yoga District organized a team of volunteers to help the DC Central Kitchen. In this season where many of us reflect upon gratitude and giving, what better time to experience a little of both? YD community member Ruthie shares this amazing experience.

DCCK’s mission is to use food as a tool to strengthen bodies, empower minds, and build communities. We helped with one of their many impressive programs – providing 5,000 free meals each day. After a brief orientation we got to work: we peeled and sliced enormous sacks full of raw carrots and onions; we cut bountiful sheets of cornbread into single-serving sizes; we transformed hundreds of pounds of potatoes into bite-sized pieces for roasting.

Besides the soothing scent of comfort food, the air was filled with camaraderie. And — thanks to a lively group of college students volunteering along with us – plenty of laughter and song. There were no “traditional poses” in sight, but the spirit of Yoga District was there; our practice that night certainly helped to share the gift of mindfulness, and to change lives for the better.

Many thanks to Yoga District for making it so easy (and fun) to help our community! I’m grateful for the reminder that a small sacrifice can make a big difference, and that even most difficult task can be accomplished when people work together. Namaste.

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