Mindlessness is Important

People talk about mindfulness all the time but I can’t ever recall anyone talking about mindlessness.

Patrice Ford Lyn, professional life coach, examines the benefits of combining  being mindlessness and mindfulness.


Many people confuse mindfulness with meditation. Meditation is a tool you can use to achieve mindfulness, but meditation isn’t a requirement. Mindfulness is the awareness of what’s going on inside and outside of your body. It is about being in tune with your surroundings. It means taking advantage of that knowledge to help you see the world and your problems in new ways. This can enable you to be more productive and innovative.

So, if you want to give mindfulness a try, take five minutes when you are alone and sit still. (You can set a timer.) How does your body feel? What thoughts or emotions come up?  If sitting in silence isn’t your thing, then consciously drink a cup of tea or slowly savor every mouthful of a meal.


The key difference between mindfulness and mindlessness  is our level of consciousness.  We are in a state of mindlessness when we are unaware of what is happening to us or around us. We are on autopilot without a clear connection to what we are feeling or doing. For example, can you remember a time when you came home and crashed on the couch and started channel surfing, not really watching anything in particular?  Or, maybe you remember driving and missing your turn because you weren’t paying attention. I have been there.

Mindful Decision

Mirror sides of mindlessness and mindfulness

Mindlessness and mindfulness work well when used together.  If you have an important presentation coming up, spend focused time preparing, then take a break and do something that allows you to be on autopilot – like playing Angry Birds. When you come back to the presentation, you will likely find yourself with more clarity than if you pushed yourself to get everything done in one sitting.  

This finding isn’t an endorsement for long periods of mindlessness or driving on autopilot. It is an acknowledge that resting your mind has real benefits. So, what is the best balance of mindfulness and mindlessness in your life?  Now that you know that they both are beneficial, you can make a mindful decision.

For more information about Self-Care.

Setting Boundaries Workshops

Patrice Ford Lyn, certified professional coach

Four part series: every Saturday October 13th, 20th, 27th and November 3rd

H street studio
7:30-5:00 pm
Sign Up: here

In this four-part series we will be deepening our understanding of self-care, the ways and reasons it differs for individuals and communities, and how to develop and sustain a self-care practice that works for you. Ready to take better care of yourself?

To find out more about Patrice and her coaching work visit: www.catapultlifecoaching.com.

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