Kat's Teacher Feature Pic

Andrea joined Yoga District about a year ago. She is responsible for HR, managing YD’s workplace yoga program and also any teacher communications. You’ve probably seen Andrea around the 14th street studio during the week, taking class or teaching. She moved to DC 5 years ago from Rochester, NY and has since fallen in love with the YD community. We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about Andrea.


How long have you served the Yoga District community?

I’ve worked at Yoga District for about a year and have learned more about the DC yoga community than I could have ever imagined.

How did you come to your administrative role at Yoga District?

I moved to DC in the summer of 2010 and jumped from corporate sales job to corporate sales job for about 4 years before leaving my job and completing my 200 hr teacher training with Mimi. Upon first sending my application in, life began to change. It was as if the universe was calling me and I was finally able to listen. During the teacher training I blasted my resume to every yoga studio I could think of with my heart hoping for a position with Yoga District. After a few back and forth emails with Jasmine and Purnima I was ready to start! It has been quite the journey and I continue to learn something new everyday. It’s not always easy but knowing that I am contributing to this amazing community makes me excited to work everyday.

How has working with the administrative details at Yoga District nurtured, challenged, and transformed you?

Prior to practicing at Yoga District I was a gym rat. As I submerged myself into this position a whole community came into my life that I had no idea existed. I have met some of the most amazing people here, both teachers and students. Knowing why I do the work I do and who I am supporting has been very fulfilling. This position has challenged my time management and multitasking skills while also grounding me into an profession that inspires me. As with my practice, this position offers opportunities to be creative, challenge myself, and also remain consistent in my day-to-day expectations. Finding the balance between business and yoga has been crucial in the position to ensure the YD mission remains strong.

What is your favorite thing to do around town?

Besides simply walking around and taking in the energy of the city, I really enjoy the music scene DC has to offer. You can often find me at the 9:30 club on a Monday night checking out a show. Although it’s been a while, pounding the pavement and looping the mall a few times is one of my favorite activities.

What is your favorite thing to do?

My favorite thing to do is sit on my balcony with my love; people watching, chatting, and just relaxing. I start and end my day on that balcony. I also love to think about my adopted baby elephant, Ruby Roo. Ruby lives in Africa.

If you had to describe your life in the form of a yoga pose, which pose would it be?

I’ve always thought of my life as a backbend because I lead with my heart and like to see the world from a different view point. Recently, I’ve been seeing parallels of my life in my inversion/handstand practice. The handstand, for example, forces you to face your fears head on, believe in your own mental/physical strength, and teaches you how to fall with grace and ease. As with life, I have not mastered the handstand and although one day I will be able to stand on my hands, there is always something else to challenge myrself with. It is incredibly empowering and invigorating to balance on your hands even if just for a second, which keeps me coming back for more.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I have no idea and am totally OK with that. I have big dreams but the path to get there is not clear yet. My life has changed so dramatically in the last 10 years that I could never foresee what another 10 years will bring. What I hope for is a life of health, happiness, laughter and prosperity with my love. If I have those things then it doesn’t matter where I am.

Please share a quote which resonates with you and your life?

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Energy flows where attention goes.”

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