Yoga philosophy teaches that it’s an essential aspect of the practice to serve others. So it’s natural for dedicated practitioners to celebrate MLK Day with continued acts of service. Check out some inspiring quotes on service from Martin Luther King Jr and yoga guru Swami Sivananda. For ideas on how to serve others in the DMV, we have a list of resources and links to get you started.

inspiring quotes from MLK jr and swami sivananda

“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”- Martin Luther King, Jr  

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”-  Martin Luther King, Jr. 

“By doing service you purify your heart. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, the idea of superiority and all the kindred negative qualities will vanish. Humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance and mercy will be developed. The sense of separateness will be annihilated. Selfishness will be eradicated. You will get a broad and liberal outlook on life. You will begin to feel oneness and unity. Eventually you will obtain knowledge of the Self. You will realize “One in all” and “all in One”. You will feel unbounded joy.” – Swami Sivananda

get started

Mutual AidThere are many government and nonprofit organizations with projects happening locally that are looking for volunteers on MLK Day and beyond. You can also participate in mutual aid for a more localized grass roots approach . Mutual aid groups are run by organizers and volunteers who respond to the articulated needs of their community. These groups are rooted in the belief that those on the front lines have the wisdom to solve the problems, and that collective action is the way to make it happen. By creating a space where people can come together to address a shared need despite different lived experiences, we can build solidarity and create lasting change. Check out our guide to Mutual Aid to learn how you can join a mutual aid network in your community.

yoga district / activist gives back

community-run yoga centers, Yoga District is committed to providing diverse, accessible, affordable yoga to all. We want to be a safe space in the community when anyone feels like they can explore their yoga journey. Offering a sliding scale, the ability to pay is not a factor in accessing our classes. Many also join our work-study program to become community volunteers who also take unlimited free yoga classes. Funds from Yoga District classes are directed to its non-profit Yoga Activist, which supports trauma-sensitive yoga outreach trainingsyoga mat donations, and community outreach classes. Thanks for your support of our mission to serve diverse communities through yoga and wellness education!

By Charon K and Jasmine C.





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