Before he painted Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Picasso was a realist who painted boring landscapes in boring colors.

This is what I think of when I can’t find my scorpion pose (or whatever crazy variations my teachers have cooked up on a given night). And I find a lot of comfort in that thought. Before we run, we walk; before we hop back, we step; before we levetate, we jump; before we lift a leg, we drop a knee; before we bind, we hook.

And so it is off the mat as well. Before I can achieve total harmony in all my relationships, I have to struggle with my mind and my pre-conceptions. I have to stop jumping to conclusions, try taking a deep breath, practice patience, and learn to ignore nasty thoughts when they arise. With baby steps, we can eventually become the best versions of our selves, bearing most likeness to the One who created us. This oneness is yoga.

So let’s try not to be frustrated with our bodies when we can’t achieve the poses we’ve set out to achieve. Let’s release expectations, release judgment and remember that before he was Picasso, he was just little Pablo.

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