PlayingtoLive1We are proud to promote an event happening this coming Sept 27th, 2:30-4pm at the Bloomingdale studio with Playing to Live! Check out their latest video!

PTL! is an international nonprofit that brings art, play and yoga therapy to children affected by trauma. Evidence-based research shows that child-centered, creative arts therapy techniques greatly improve a child’s ability to express and understand complex emotions resulting from trauma. Children can lack the words to communicate their feelings and Playing To Live! gives them a voice. To make the program sustainable we partner with local NGOs to help us recruit local community members by training them in culturally relevant therapy techniques, which Local caregivers are trained and then employed to provide therapeutic services to the children. We source all of our program materials locally enabling us to help support the local economy. We have established partnerships with local NGOs to help us remain culturally relevant.

Kate Martin is the volunteer fundraising and marketing chair for Playing To Live! PTL logo

Kate spent her childhood growing up throughout Asia and as an adult lived and worked in Italy running her own design company. She received MA in Art Therapy from The George Washington University. As a Board Certified and Licensed Art Therapist she has experience working in the United States as well as internationally with adults and children with severe mental illness and developmental disabilities as well as military veterans.

Playintolive2While we have a wonderful mission, I believe our success thus far has been from having an incredibly passionate group of individuals who work really well together in support of our cause. We love the communities we serve and truly believe that what we are doing in Africa is making a large impact on each and every person who participates in our programming. For anyone starting an organization I would say if you feel passionately about it go for, but remember that you can’t do it alone! You need a team for support when times get tough and for celebration when achievements are made!

I literally wake up in the morning so excited to share the incredible work that our team in Liberia and South Africa is doing. The picture of the caregivers and the kids and hearing how much difference this is making in the lives of those we are serving is so fulfilling. I also feel that I am growing immensely in my role as fundraising and marketing director because I have never done this kind of work before for an organization! In this new role I have met so many wonderful people, connected with awesome organizations and really expanded my own circle.


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