hey friend, what can we help you with?

FAQs For Everyone!

Check out the FAQs are below to see if we’ve got a quick answer to your question! If none of these apply, please email us at [email protected]. We can’t make account adjustments over the phone but if you have an urgent issue that is not related to your account, please text us at 202-265-YOGA or call. Thanks and peace!

My pass is expiring and I want to extend it / roll over unused classes to a new pass.

We’re sorry that passes cannot be extended beyond their expiration date unless you have a valid medical reason accompanied by medical documentation.

But don’t fear! We can roll over unused classes on any 10 class pass whenever you purchase a new 10 class pass. Just email [email protected] as soon as you buy your new 10 class pass – then we will roll over the unused classes on your last 10 class pass to your new 10 class pass. Thereafter, the expiration date for all your classes on the 10 class pass will be whatever the expiration date is on your newest 10 class pass (three months from date of first use of that new 10 class pass).

Sorry we can’t roll over any unused classes from expired groupon or similar coupons, seasonal specials, nor new student intro passes for any reason. I know it’s a bummer, and this seems a bit tough… but we have to stand firmly on this in order to be able to continue to offer you all affordable yoga! 

I want to cancel or pause my monthly membership.

Hold it up:

You can put your membership on hold for one month or longer, but we just need at least three weeks’ notice.

Cancel it:

No problem! We’ll cancel, as there’s no commitment. But, as stated on our website, in-studio fliers, and receipts, we need three weeks’ notice to cancel a membership.  So if you’d like to end your monthly membership, be sure to email us at least three weeks in advance of your next payment (for example, if your next payment goes through on the 30th, email us three weeks before the 30th).

On that note, please note that your contract will never terminate on its own, so if you notice that your account has not been automatically renewed, please email us… it’s most likely an issue with the credit card on file.

If you’re sure you want to cancel, just email [email protected]

I want to start a monthly membership.

We’d be more than happy to set you up as a member of Yoga District! Becoming a member is a wonderful next step in deepening your practice of yoga.

Our membership of $98/month requires no long-term commitment and is valid for up to 20 classes per month. Cancel anytime with at least three weeks’ notice before your monthly billing date by emailing [email protected].

Our $98 monthly membership requires enrollment in a $98/month automatic billing plan using a Visa or MasterCard. Please note that, unfortunately, you cannot pause nor restart the pass without the required 3-week notice. We do apologize if that seems rigid, we know that can seem frustrating, but it’s one of the policies that we’re most adamant about to help us keep yoga affordable to all. If you do have a valid medical reason for needing to pause your pass you may send us medical documentation by email to request a pause of your membership.

If you’re ready to go ahead and join us as a member please log into / create your Yoga District account, ensure that  the credit card on file is the one you’d like to use for your recurring monthly charges and sign up under contracts/packages. Or click here:

I want to redeem a groupon or other coupon.

Thanks for your inquiry into the groupon you purchased for our studio. Please send [email protected] a copy of your groupon/coupon complete with voucher number and date of purchase for us to credit to your account. Unfortunately, we can no longer accept expired coupons to our studios.

Thank you for your understanding!

I need to make an exchange because I bought the wrong type of pass.

Exchanging a Drop In Pass for a New Student Pass

If you’ve never practiced with Yoga District before but accidentally bought a drop in pass instead of a new student pass, we can convert your pass from a drop-in to our new student pass. Just email your info to [email protected]. Then you’ll still have one class left on your account to be used within 6 days of your first class (the new student passes are valid for a total of 7 days).

Please note that the first day you use New Student Pass counts as day one, and the pass is valid for a total of seven days. So if your class pass started on a Sunday, your last day to use it will be that following Saturday (not Sunday to Sunday). Sometimes that trips people up, but we just want to be clear with you!

Exchanging Other Stuff:

If you need to make an exchange for another pass type, you can email [email protected]

Welcome and happy yoga!

I want a refund.

We’re sorry, we don’t issue refunds back to your credit card and we don’t refund cash for purchases either. This is stated on all our receipts and our site. However, we’re happy to credit your account with Yoga District. For instance, if you bought one pass, you can exchange it or credit the value towards another class pass, a workshop pass, a book, a training. Just let us know at [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding!

I want to cancel a reservation for a yoga class.

Don’t sweat it!

Just cancel your classes online without losing your class pass credit by logging into your account with us, and then canceling more than  a couple hours prior to class. In case you must cancel your reservation in less than a couple hours from the start of class, please “late cancel” your reservation online to make room for other students (unfortunately your class pass won’t be re-credited to your account when late canceling your reservation).

Cancelations can’t be made over the phone.

If you’re unable to cancel before 90 mins online but have a good reason for needing to cancel late, please email a description of your situation for consideration to: [email protected].

I want to cancel a reservation for a workshop (which is totally different than a class).

Thanks for signing up for a workshop with us! Below is our cancellation policy for workshops.

Here’s the thinking behind our workshop cancellation policy: If people sign up for workshops and it is filling up or full, then we stop promoting the workshop because there isn’t room for any additional students. But if a bunch of students who signed up for workshops change their mind and decide not to come, there is a problem: we didn’t continue promoting the event and there isn’t enough time left to promote further, so there are no students to take the place of the students who changed their mind. This impacts the pay of the teacher leading the workshop, even though it is not their fault.

So, if you cancel your reservation in less than 14 days of the workshop we can’t offer any credit to your account with us. Please consider this a donation to the teacher leading the workshop and to our not-for-profit studio collective, which helps fund yoga outreach missions to underserved communities.

But if you cancel two weeks in advance of the workshop, then we can credit 30% of the workshop fee back to your Yoga District account, for use in regular classes or another workshop with us.

If you cancel one month or more in advance of the workshop, then you can have the full amount credited back to your Yoga District account for use in regular classes or another workshop with us.

Thanks for your kind understanding, and we really appreciate your support!

I want to volunteer and get free unlimited yoga.

Each studio is run by community members from the studio’s surrounding neighborhood. These community members engage in study and practice of yoga philosophy concepts including sangha, seva, tapas, asteya, and ahimsa. They also spend 3-6 hours a week doing anything from providing legal advice to washing cups. These volunteers are the backbone of our organization and they’re part of why we’re able to offer affordable and free yoga to diverse communities in need.

Read more about our volunteer rewards points program and apply today.

I want to start a yoga class program at my office or workplace.

Yoga District customizes classes to best fit the needs of a wide variety of companies, working communities, and service organization. It’s a great way to de-stress and foster community.

We consistently staff our outreach / workplace yoga classes with experienced, certified teachers at affordable rates. Your organization can choose between a wide variety of rotating teachers, styles and levels each week, or we can staff your classes with the same consistent teacher to build more familiarity. All we need is a classroom space (common spaces may include workplace gyms, conference rooms, offices with furniture pushed aside, and rooftops) or video conferencing access (we can host on our Zoom account or your platform if preferred) and we’ll take care of the rest.

Get all the details about Yoga District’s well-loved workplace yoga program. We’d love to join you at work to help the whole team unwind. Or for other outreach settings, please complete our outreach program set up questionnaire.

I attended a class but then received an email saying I didn't.

Sorry about the confusion. We are so glad you made it to your class! We’d be grateful if you email [email protected] to let us know that this happened. Then we will of course go ahead and update our records so our teachers can get credit for the correct number of students that attended their class and so that the computer doesn’t think you no-showed.

Thanks for your understanding and thanks for being in touch with us about this issue!

I’m a new student and I want to know which class is right for me.

There are many different styles of yoga, also known as yoga traditions. Some are fast, others slow. Some feature a lot of lecture and alignment focus, while others move you through postures a bit more quickly to “get you out of your head.” Some focus on strength development, while others focus on relaxation or flexibility. 

You can review our class descriptions to get oriented, read teacher bios, and if you want additional advice please call or text us at 202-265-YOGA. Welcome and thanks for practicing with us!

I want to teach at Yoga District.

Thanks for your interest in joining the Yoga District family. Joining Yoga District is a big step, as you can really develop a lot of deep connections as a dedicated community member. Yoga District was founded just as much to serve students as it was to serve teachers. Teachers are encouraged to attend one another’s classes and offer feedback, and we regularly offer complimentary continuing education programs for staff and fun staff gatherings. Our dedicated senior teachers, all of who have great experience teaching yoga, also enjoy continuing education reimbursement for their studies at other yoga schools, two weeks paid time off a year, and additional pay. All teachers are eligible for end-of-year bonuses based on their hard work and dedication to offering high quality, affordable yoga.

To join, please send [email protected] a video recording of your teaching so we can get an idea of your teaching style. Recordings should have decent audio (please note that music sometimes interferes with our ability to hear your voice) and should picture both you and a few students so that we can also observe your interaction with students. Recordings can be made on a simple computer camera and saved as a private youtube link. Your recording will be kept confidential.

Alternatively, if you have more than two years teaching experience, you may provide us with testimonials from your past students. These testimonials can be on your website or in the form of emails from your students directly to us at [email protected].

Thanks again for your interest in joining Yoga District, and we hope to practice with you soon!

I left something at the studio. What do I do?

Don’t worry, happens all the time – it’s the sign of a good yoga class! While Yoga District is not responsible for left items, we’d like to help you find what you’re looking for! Feel free to drop in when the studio is open (15 minutes before and after each regularly scheduled class time) and take a look in our lost and found. Lost items can usually be found there. We’re sorry that we don’t have a person staffed at each location to answer calls/emails and look for left items. We have to keep things simple to keep our class prices affordable, so please do just come to the studio you visited to find your things. Thanks for your support!

I have I have feedback about my experience with Yoga District.

We’ll take it all! Whether your feedback is good, bad, or ugly, we need to hear it to ensure we are fulfilling our mission. Anything you can do to help us stay informed about your experience is essential! All feedback is completely confidential. Just email [email protected]

Thank you for taking time to let us know how we’re doing and how we can improve!

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