free yoga service program
be a part of the movement for accessible yoga for all
Yoga District and the 501c3 nonprofit that owns it, Yoga Activist, are run by community, for the community. Many community members volunteer 3-4 hours a week doing anything from promoting diversity in our classes to preparing yoga spaces for practice. These volunteers are the backbone of our mission to keep yoga accessible and affordable in DC and beyond.
In addition to 3-4 service hours per week, volunteers enjoy free unlimited classes, reduced-fee teacher training ($1900 with extended payment plan), and a leading role in their yoga community. Many volunteers end up taking the Yoga District teacher training program and ultimately teaching with Yoga District. Many volunteers stay on for years, but if your plans are shorter term please note we ask for at least a three month commitment.
If you’re interested in volunteering with us, stay up to date on volunteer position openings by sharing your information in the form linked below. Again, endless thanks to you for being you, for your interest in helping out, and for being part of the Yoga District community!

new Student specials & FEES
We offer special pass options to those who are new to Yoga District.
We host workshops and special events frequently. Find one that will deepen your practice and sign up here!
The diverse family of DC yoga teachers at Yoga District are dedicated to making yoga accessible to all.
Accessible yoga for all: affordable yoga studio classes plus outreach through our 501c3 nonprofit, Yoga Activist.
Ready to try it out?
Try a few different classes with us. You'll find the teachers and classes that motivate you to be your best.