While this time of year is focused on giving to others, it is also important to give yourself what your body and mind needs as well.

Amidst December gatherings, holiday prep, and travel, spare some time whether that be 5 minutes or 30 minutes to bring a little routine and self-care back into your life. No matter what this holiday season entails for you, read on for Yoga District’s helpful tips for self-care.

15 Minutes with a Good Book

There is nothing like a few minutes spent without the distraction of any screens to help calm the mind. If you don’t have time to for yoga but want to deepen your practice in other ways, Heather Honstein, a beloved Yoga District teacher, shares her picks for yoga-related books:

  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Be Here Now by Ram Dass
  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda
  • Yoga and Yogic Powers by Yogi Gupta
  • Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

Travel Yoga Mat or Available Materials         

You may not have access to your usual yoga mat or props while traveling. With a little creativity, you can turn a blanket into a bolster or use a big book as a block.

There are thin travel mats you can invest in or you can simply find a carpeted spot for your asana practice. A yoga mat isn’t a requirement as you can adjust the poses and sequence to fit the practice space you create when on the go.

Chair Yoga might also be a viable alternative for you.  If interested then refer to the 10 Chair Yoga Poses sequence compiled by verywell. 

Go for a Walk Outside

A walk is a perfect time for some self-guided meditation and can be a nice break if you are starting to feel worn out during get-togethers or holiday festivities.  Sometimes you need to excuse yourself for social gatherings for a few minutes.

During your walk, you can do some of the breathing exercises mentioned in this Yoga District blog post. You can also think of a mantra while you are walking. On the inhale, say “so” to yourself, on the exhale say “hum.” “So hum” means “I am that.”


What are some of your favorite self-care practices?

How do you practice yoga when you are traveling?

We would love to hear from you in the comments section below!

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