It’s a beautiful time of year to develop a self care routine.  Our detailed tips and guides can help you create beneficial habits that bring a bit more mindfulness and health into your life. A great place to start is with your sleep hygiene and conscious eating efforts. 


Sleep HygieneSleep hygiene is an important self-care routine. Imagine waking with your eyes open, arms stretched out as you gently slide out of bed ready to face the day after a night of peaceful slumber. A well rested you is an optimal you.  If you want to transform from someone who is restless to a person that wakes up well rested without an alarm clock, check out our sleep hygiene guide: How to Sleep Better at Night and Reclaim your Day.

Healthy sleeping habits can lead to better rest. If you are interested in learning even more about sleep hygiene then check out Yoga District’s Sleep Hygiene Series.



Everyday choices, like what we eat for breakfast or buy at the grocery store, can impact our bodies, minds, and communities.  For some of us, eating has become such a routine activity that we don’t think much about it. Conscious eating is a practice that extends from the philosophy of mindfulness. Mindfulness encourages us to pay attention to the present and to accept our thoughts without judgment. Similarly, conscious eating considers food in the present moment. It is a practice that focuses on cultivating non-judgmental experiences that allow us to appreciate the food that nourishes us. 

Checkout our Conscious Eating Series to learn how to build mindful eating habits into your daily routine through:

Also, get inspired to cook healthier with Yoga District’s wonderful vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free recipes

Eating well is a form of self-care!


Self-Care SignJust remember, a self-care practice is individualized to your needs. Let’s try to stay in the present without planning too much. Don’t feel obligated to follow all the suggestions in our guides. The tips and guidelines offered are to help give you a framework to work on your sleep hygiene and conscious eating. Try to pick one or two new habits to engage and see how it goes, rather than trying to change too much all at once. 

We can’t master sleep hygiene and mindful eating in a day. These are not quick fixes. Like most if not all self-care practices, it is a process with continual benefits that build upon each other.  

Your self-care needs are as ever changing and dynamic as you are, but choosing to incorporate thoughtful practices in your daily routine can have lasting effects across your life. 


By Charon K.




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