At Yoga District we rely on our interns to help run the studios in a caring, compassionate and positive manner. Meet Carlos our visual and social media intern who uses creativity and social justice as his guide in working with us!

blog-image-cxiWhat was your first experience with yoga?
I believe my first experience with Yoga was after a 10 mile race. I was telling my friend how sore I was and how much I disliked stretching, so she recommended Yoga as a good way to stretch, since that is my least favorite part of running.

Why do you think some may feel intimidated by yoga?
How can they overcome this?

I think it’s because some of us have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and sometimes get frustrated when our body does not do what others in class are doing. Honestly, I felt that way at first but I realized that I am the only one who really knows my body and I can see the little things that I have made progress in, rather than thinking I will be able to do a headstand after taking only a few classes.

What are your favorite types of yoga?
Oh man, so many of them! I really enjoy restorative with Emily G., especially after a long run or playing soccer, it is really healing to take that time and just feel relaxed. Yogalates is a great one as well, especially Andrew’s class! I recently tried the Pilates class with Toni and found that to be very challenging and fun too! One of the other classes that I go to on the regular is Meghan R.’s All levels Flow class, which helps me get centered and calm, especially at the end of a busy work week.

At what point did you decide to intern at Yoga District?
My friend Jordan had interned with Yoga District last year and was always telling us all these cool things about it. Then last summer my coworker Meredith ended up taking me to Andrew’s Yogalates class and I was really impressed by the class, the studio and the culture. I wanted to try out a few different classes and thought this might be a fun way to do this, plus it is really close to my office.

What do you do for your internship at Yoga District?
Well I started out as a sub on Thursday nights, but I am involved in a few volunteer projects which were preventing me from putting in the time that was needed. Luckily Tracy was kind enough to let me take over the vacant spot as the Visual Intern at Dupont. Currently I update the visual board at Dupont as well as maintain the Yoga District Instagram account. Feel free to add us @yogadistrict

What do you find rewarding about having an internship with Yoga District? It has been a wonderful experience so far in taking all types of classes as well as having a creative outlet with the visual board and the instagram account! I have also enjoyed interacting and becoming friends with the Teachers and my fellow interns at Yoga District as well as the students that I have gotten to know in the past few months!

Aside from your internship and yoga, what other things do you do around town? Well, I run and play soccer a good amount, I will be running a few 5k’s this spring and play pickup with this activist soccer team, called Left Wing. I currently volunteer with the DC public library on their ongoing DC punk archiving project, as well as volunteering with two social justice groups, DC Fair Food and Positive Force. I also started a new band that I am really excited about!

What’s the most important benefits you’ve experienced with the help of yoga? So many great benefits, but the ones that stand out the most are breathing correctly, mindfulness and flexibility. I think for me Mindfulness has been the most beneficial as it’s easy to get stuck in the past or think too far ahead, I like that it makes you be present and in the moment. I have taken that concept and used it in other aspects of my life. I’ve also learned to have more patience when it comes to Yoga, especially when I see the little things that I have accomplished in terms of being more flexible and being aware of my breathing, which have helped me tremendously in running. I still need to take Christina’s Workshop for runners, I have heard really good things about it!

Is there anything else you want to share with the Yoga District community? I try to live my life based on a pretty simple philosophy.” be excellent to each other!” -William S. Preston, Esq. & Theodore Logan

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