what to expect
< overview
Because of the great variety of yoga traditions, and because Yoga District doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach to yoga, each class will vary depending on the instructor and class style. That said, there are some common elements to many yoga classes.
We usually start off with a centering practice, such as focusing on the breath or development of awareness while in a relaxation pose or seated meditation. Some teachers might suggest that you “set an intention for your practice.” No, we’re not asking you to set an intention to be the most advanced yoga student in the class. We’re just suggesting that you look inside and set a positive simple intention that will support you during your practice. For instance, your intention might be to breathe with awareness throughout class, be receptive to the teachings, or offer up your practice to your highest Self or a loved one. This is very personal, and very optional.
It’s really important to warm the body! Warming up may help prevent injury, make stretching more enjoyable, and can help burn off desires and unhelpful thoughts. So any active class you take will likely feature a decent warm up, usually involving breath-coordinated, faster-paced, repetitive movements.
Classes can start many different ways, but nearly all yoga classes everywhere end with savasana, aka corpse pose. All you have to do is lay down, close or lower your eyes, allowing the mind to slow and the body to relax. Savasana can help you settle your energy and absorb the benefits of your yoga practice. You might wonder why you should relax if you have so much to do and think about – think of it as clearing a kitchen counter before preparing a meal. You need a clean work space to carry out your work, so take the time to clear your mind once in a while. It might take a while for you to learn how to close/lower your eyes and relax in savasana, or it might come naturally – either way, when you allow yourself to relax, you are more receptive to your highest Self. Dharma Mittra tells his students, “Remember, the goal is Self Realization!”

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