MOAR’s Daily Dozen: DAY 8 – Plow

Step-by-Step: From laying on your back, exhale and use your core to send your legs up and over head with control. Slowly lower your feet toward the floor behind and beyond your head. Keep your chin to your chest, neck straight, and do not look from side to side. If...

Finding Balance Anywhere

Flipped Dog in SFO’s Yoga Room For those of you who have been known to wake up in cold sweats because your life feels dangerously akin to George Clooney’s in “Up in the Air,” this post is for you. One of my favorite things about my current job is how much I get...

Thank you Maharaji

I came home last night a bit drained from a long day, but luckily my beautiful wife was already home and she’s a bigger KD fan than I am… the house was full of rich sound of Krishna Das’s voice. … Continue reading...

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