Meet Kat, our Director of Services as she shares her yoga journey and  her experience being part of the Yoga District community!


May your choice reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela



How long have you served the Yoga District Community? 

I’ve been serving yoga district for nearly a year now, I started as an intern in June 2017 and have since then become more involved in the community.

How did you come to your administrative role at Yoga District?

Discovering Yoga 

The first class I took was in my senior year of college and I fell in love. It brought me calm and stability in a time I was in need. I remember feeling a lot of uncertainty at that time and like I didn’t have control. Yoga really helped me make sense of what was happening around me and gave me clarity to make decisions confidently. Above all yoga gave me time to myself, something I hadn’t been taking before.  

Discovering Yoga District

When I found Yoga District, I was at a point in my career where I was very unhappy. I had recently moved to DC for a job that ended up being a bad fit for me and I was struggling to find my place in this big, bustling city. I lived down the street from one of the studios and I quickly found a place where I felt at home. I applied for a remote internship and was extremely dedicated and truly happy to be a part of the community in which I felt valued myself and all others. I remember so vividly being in a class and the instructor was telling the story of the lotus flower. I was overwhelmed with emotion during this particular class as the instructor gently weaved its story into class. I was surprised to learn that the lotus flow grows in muddy water and rises above the surface to bloom. I felt connected to this. It became clear to me that I was in a muddy situation yet I could find a way to bloom. It was around this time that there was need for someone to take on administrative work with YD. It was perfect timing for me to start something new and here I am today, grateful for these opportunities!

How has working the the administrative details at Yoga District nurtured, challenged, and transformed you?

This community is full of love and light, it’s hard not to embrace that. YD is a truly special place to work and practice and I have felt valued and proud to be working here. This role has truly tested my time management and organizational skills but I’ve felt transformed by my ability to adapt. Also, I feel inspired by all of the folks I get to interact with on a daily basis. It’s so amazing the different backgrounds and interests and stories everyone has. Its truly amazing to me and I am grateful every day that I get to serve such a diverse community of loving beings. 

What would you say to someone who has never done yoga before to invite them to the practice?

There’s a quote that reads “a flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms” and I would share that with them. I would tell someone who has never practiced before not to think about what others are doing, just come to the mat and learn something. It’s the best way to start and your practice will grow from there. 

Beyond the physical benefits, what are the top three things yoga has taught you?

Yoga has taught me to have greater compassion, confidence, and gratitude. 

Outside of yoga

I love taking walks through different neighborhoods and exploring. I live near a big beautiful park and I love to sit in the park reading or watching the dogs play. Anything that can get me outdoors and around DC I’m excited about. It’s silly but sometimes I forget that I am living in the nation’s capitol. A beautiful view of the capitol building of the Washington monument will stop me in my tracks and remind me just how fortunate I am. I try to dedicate time each week to doing something that reminds me of this. 

I love to cook! I could spend all day in the kitchen planning and creating. One of my favorite parts of my week is when I can spend time making a delicious meal to share with loved ones. I’ve been really in to curries lately, I’m glad my roommate (who’s also my sister) doesn’t mind! Cooking is relaxing to me, I feel at peace when I am in the kitchen. It’s my time to get lost in an audiobook spend time with my thoughts. It’s also a way for me to express myself and also to share with others, cooking for others really brings me joy. 

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