Work-Study Teacher Training Agreement
I have been accepted into the Yoga District yoga teacher training work-study program. I understand that I am therefore eligible for a $500 discount from the “early bird tuition rate” provided I comply with the following terms:
1. Satisfactory service as a Yoga District volunteer in the capacity assigned by a Yoga District manager for a minimum of four hours a week for a minimum of three months prior to the commencement of the Yoga District teacher training you have enrolled in.
2. Satisfactory service as a Yoga District volunteer in the capacity assigned by a Yoga District manager for a minimum of four hours a week throughout the Yoga District teacher training you have enrolled in.
3. Satisfactory service as a Yoga District volunteer in the capacity assigned by a Yoga District manager for a minimum of 6-8 hours per week for at least three months prior to the start of the training, through the duration of the training, and three months following the commencement of the Yoga District teacher training you have enrolled in.
Should I fail to comply with the above terms for any reason, I understand that my $500 discount will be void, and I will therefore pay Yoga District the full early bird tuition rate within three months of the signing of this agreement.
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Signature Name Date
Teacher Training Payment Plan Agreement
If you have applied for a payment plan with Yoga District, please download the Yoga Teacher Training payment plan contract, print and complete the form, sign the form and send it with a copy of your credit card and driver’s license to Yoga District, Attn: Ros at 1910 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.